My name is Victoria Lynn Harzer. I’m a coach, intuitive reader, channeler, and creative visionary. I meld my professional leadership coaching abilities with my innate spiritual gifts to provide a unique experience.

As an intuitive reader and channeler, I am able to assist you in finding your inner voice and guidance.

As a healer, I am able to hold space and assist you in finding the path to healing.

As a coach, guide, and leader I’m able to help you create a path to achieve your goals.

As an ordained interfaith minister, I perform weddings, rites of passage and celebrations of life and offer spiritual guidance.

Connect with me and manifest a life aligned in your higher purpose.

For a limited time, I am offering free introductory 15 min sessions. Schedule a session with me today using the link here.

Be it as a reading or a coaching session my goal is to assist you in manifesting all the desires of your heart and that which aligns with you highest good.